Thursday, June 28, 2012

[chrysanthemums and coils]

A little crafternoon with my eldest on this rainy dreary Thursday of the first week in the school holidays. I had a play around with a double chrysanthemum design and my boy learnt how to make coils and teardrops for his bookmark – which he titled 'Raging Bird'.

This is the quilling tool, and the quilling paper.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

[pretty quilled flowers]

Rather than curl up on the couch on a rainy Saturday night and watch a movie, I thought I might make a few quilled flowers instead ... some I made using the skills I learnt when on my cruise, and also I tried a few experiments of my own with fancy edge scissors. I got some interesting results, not quite what I expected, but that's the fun of it. They're cute aren't they? Might work on a little stock of little flowers so I have just the perfect little blooms for a card when it's required. :)

Friday, June 8, 2012


I got a text the other day from a friend with a thumbs up icon, and knowing she has an iPhone, I thought, 'How come I don't know how to do that?' A quick google investigation and then I was on my way with cute little emoji pics on my SMSs.

Here's how you do it:
On your iPhone go to Settings --> General --> Keyboard --> International --> then choose the Emoji keyboard. To toggle from your regular keyboard you just then choose the little globe icon on the bottom left hand side on the keyboard. Cute!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

[Q is for Quilling]

It seems that the quilling possibilities are endless. Being a lover of typography (pretty much a given for a graphic designer), I spotted a gorgeous alphabet of the quilling kind on this website today. Simply stunning.

Friday, June 1, 2012

[my boy's cake rocks]

It's my little man's 7th birthday today, and he just loves fossils, rocks, and all things geology... So, I thought I'd make a 'rock' cake with polished gemstones (aka chocolate rocks from Lollyworld), with Malteser boulders and muddy chocolate icing. Doesn't look too bad I reckon and individually the ingredients certainly tasted great, so altogether they should be sensational!