Sunday, May 19, 2013

[pressie for my niece]

It's my niece's 7th birthday so what little girl wouldn't love a handmade bracelet in it's own special box? 

I think making the bracelet was the most difficult, not because of the complexity of the beading, that part was easy, but because my almost 8-yr-old son was reluctant and wriggling around when being the model for measuring the wrist size! My first measure attempt led to chasing a dozen or more beads bouncing around on the floor! Boys!!?!

Anyways, to jazz up the presentation I made an origami box and lid to put the bracelet in, and decorated it with a pretty pink quilled flower. Noice!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

[butter & sugar free cupcakes]

I've been experimenting in the kitchen the past few weeks trying to find a 'healthy' cupcake. Last week's attempt was tasty, but didn't rise at all, so was very dense and more like a pudding, so I froze them and have been eating them as a warm dessert with a dollop of vanilla yoghurt (or icecream).

This week I am proud to say I have had some success with a much lighter 'cake-like' cupcake, rather than a banana bread! It's not exactly the same texture as a regular buttery and sugary cupcake, but that's because it has oats in it, so think of it as the 'multi-grain' version of a cupcake.


3 eggs (separated)
1/4 cup stevia (sugar alternative)
1/2 zucchini (peeled and finely grated)
1 tsp (heaped) almond spread
3/4 cup rolled oats (processed to a fine meal)
3/4 cup self-raising flour
1/4 tsp vanilla

(Preheat oven to 180 degrees Celsius)
1. Separate eggs - keep whites in a large bowl, put yolks into a food processor (or mixing bowl).
2. Add stevia to egg whites and whisk until soft peaks form.
3. Add grated zucchini, almond spread and vanilla to egg yolks and mix until well combined.
4. Then add rolled oats (meal) and flour, and mix to a paste.
5. Add paste to egg white mixture in small portions and gently combine with a folding action.
6. Once the paste is evenly distributed, place spoonfuls into patty pans (almost to the top) and bake until slightly golden on the edges and when a skewer comes out clean when you test.
7. To add a little 'guilt' to your 'clean' cupcake, wait until totally cool before icing with a small dollop of cream cheese frosting.

Ahhhh, stealth vegetables, don't you love 'em!

[home-made soft tortillas]

Rather slack on the blogging of recent times, but have picked up a great recipe for soft tortillas courtesy of a Facebook friend - thanks Tracey! 

My kids love this as we haven't had soft tortillas for ages as the store bought ones have preservative 282. We found out last year how much preservatives, artificial colours and MSG affected their behaviour, and since we've avoided these foods I've had calmer kids who can concentrate at school and sleep well at night! Just back to basics cooking really, without the crap! 😊


300g plain flour
1 tbs oil
185ml water
1/4 tsp salt

Combine ingredients and knead into a dough. Rest dough for at least half an hour, divide into eight portions and roll into rounds. Dry fry in a non-stick pan on both sides until they colour slightly (and look like the ones from the shop), and serve with taco mince and salad.

They also freeze well (great for making 'wraps' for the kid's lunches) - just interleave each wrap with baking paper and then seal in a freezer bag. This way you can easily get one out at a time as you need them.

Happy preservative-free baking!