Friday, January 27, 2012

[bye bye baby stuff]

Well the goal of 'decluttering' my house has not waned ... and at latest count I have made just over $200 selling my stuff through eBay and Gumtree. It's not exactly a fortune, but the biggest reward is that people have paid me to TAKE AWAY the stuff I no longer need. 

With my youngest starting Year 2 this year, it's really about time I got rid of all the baby stuff!! I sold off a bunch of the bigger items like prams etc. a couple of years ago, but the boxes of toys and linen and other stuff were still hanging around.

I've also learnt a few tricks to taking quick and easy photos - a big piece of card angled in a rounded 'L-shape' (not folded) behind the item - which eliminates any corners and gives nice shadows. Memories of art directing photo shoots in a professional photographer's studio come flooding back. *sigh*

The other thing that's working well is that I manage my eBay sales direct on my iPhone - I take the photo on the phone, list the item and upload the photo, get notified of bids, receive questions from people, as well as see who's paid, and who hasn't. The eBay iPhone app is great! This has made it so much easier to keep track of it all.

My other trick is that I'm putting the proceeds of my decluttering sales into a separate bank account, and I reckon come September I'll have enough to cover the cost of our holiday!! Yippee!

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