Friday, July 6, 2012

[winter comfort food]

I thought I'd make some more home-made pea and ham soup this afternoon, then got a bit carried away...

Almost three hours later, I had several warm and tasty meals to see us through the weekend... (clockwise from top left) — pea and ham soup, chicken chasseur casserole, tarragon & garlic butter roasted chicken thighs, a cauliflower quiche (which my youngest had to have a wedge of as soon as it came out of the oven), and in the centre a tasty garlic white sauce.

The kids and I are heading up to Nanango to see my brother and celebrate my nephew's 10th birthday for the weekend, so the soup and quiche will be packed to keep us warm as the temperature dips closer to freezing overnight. What a good wifey I am too, as hubby has to stay home to run an event for his model flying club, so he's all set while we're gone. :)

But wait, there's more... I had some overripe bananas, so also whipped up a hummingbird cake, and as I'd planned to make some home-made LCM bars earlier in the week and had the ingredients already waiting for me, they also got thrown into the mix of things while other meals were simmering on the stove top. YUM YUM!!

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