Sunday, March 10, 2013

[look honey, free plants]

I'm loving my little greenhouse as I have more room to experiment with striking cuttings and growing free plants - plus they're all in one place so easier to tend! Previously I would have pots scattered throughout the garden and watering them would be a major effort... or up to the rain, so a few of them didn't make it. I never used a striking powder either, so it really was a matter of survival of the fittest.

Last week I stumbled across a YouTube video where they used honey instead of rooting hormone, and as hubby had brought home a half kilo tub from someone at work who had their own hives, we had plenty of pure natural honey in the house.

Yesterday I struck 60 plants from cuttings of plants in my garden, and I'm quite pleased with my efforts, especially as this morning they are all looking happy and not drooping... so, so far, so good. :)

p.s. You'll also notice in one of the photos I have a half egg carton I'm using as a seedling tray ... it has Agapanthus seeds I collected, and one of them has finally sprouted. I'm persevering with this container for the moment, but it hasn't worked as well as I planned. Unfortunately the cardboard has tended to wick away the water from the soil, rather than keep everything moist. Oh well, never mind, the whole point of self-sufficient no cost recycling is exactly that, no cost, so even though it didn't work well - it WAS free!

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