Tuesday, November 1, 2011

[having a Jane Jetson moment]

I'm not usually one to impulse buy anything, but I had a moment a few weeks back on eBay, and for once I'm not regretting it AT ALL. 

Meet RoboVac ... he is my new best friend (well, I'm not sure if it's a he or a she, but I don't think the name is all that girly, so HE it is!) 

While I happily tapped away working at my computer today, he happily went around and cleaned up - even under the kid's desk where the rice cake crumbs were. His little sensors find any objects in his way and he just moves around them, he even goes back to his dock to recharge when his battery gets low! What's even better is that over the weekend, we went out for the day, and he cleaned while we were out. 

 If you were a fan of the cartoon 'The Jetsons', then you'll remember Rosie their maid, and all the fancy technical automated do-dads they had. (Scarily, we actually have video phones now, so all we need are flying cars!)

1 comment:

  1. My aunty bought one and named him Heimi. She's since bought him a girlfriend, Rosie - the robotic mop.
    Dad got jealous of his sister and bought one too.


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