Tuesday, October 18, 2011

[a punky weekend]

My fabulous friend Helen hosted a 'Girls Night In' on Saturday night – gotta love a costume party, this year it was a 'P' party.

I was channelling my inner punk, and think I fell into character all a bit too easily. lol.

All the girls did a great job on their costumes ... there were some gorgeous prom queens, a patient (complete with wee bag), a swag of pirates, pink ladies, Miss Piggy, a polar bear, a panda, and a few in pyjamas, not to mention a purple pixie and a Parisian chick!!

....and we raised over $900. Was sooooo much fun!!!

I wasn't the only punk, but the Police showed up and we gave it right back to her! lol
Can't wait till next year Helen, my blonde punky friend, you're the hostess with the mostest!

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