Monday, February 27, 2012

[Ikea mod for TV cabinet]

It's funny how Ikea furniture has great storage options, but sometimes it doesn't quite fit your application perfectly, so a few mods are needed... using saws, 12V drills and a bit of crossing your fingers hoping it will work. I only have a small wall where I can put my TV, so all the modern lowline entertainment units are just too wide. My solution...go vertical.

 We finally have homes for everything — even RoboVac has a new garage!

I can also display a few trinkets, like my lucky elephant, the dome clock I got as a 21st present, and some happy Buddhas.

The rest of the dust collectors (vases, candles and so forth) are all hidden away behind a funky silver roller door that matches a couple of other furniture pieces in my office, which is adjacent to the lounge room.


The holes to attach this cabinet to the wall didn't line up with the wall studs (typical), so a block of timber screwed horizontally to the wall studs, then screws on this timber in the right place holds it on the wall perfectly. I also managed to find some white PVC angle at Bunnings to use as a filler to cover the gap made by the timber (I even cut the mitres with a hacksaw!)

The cabinet the TV is on also didn't have any outlet holes in the back for the cords of the relevant players and set top box, so Baz and I did a joint effort on this one, getting plastic circle goodies from Bunnings and cutting two circular holes to slot these in. Ikea chipboard has a knack of breaking out sometimes, so Bunnings thankfully also sell white contact (that's ultra thin), that can cover a few 'oopsies'. Lucky for us the 'oopsies' were at the back, so I probably should've kept my mouth shut and you would've been none the wiser.

Phew! Now to photograph the old TV cabinet and put it up on eBay.

Friday, February 17, 2012

[animated knots]

I was browsing Pinterest (as I quite often do) and found a link to this great website with animations on how to tie all kinds of knots! 

There are decorative Celtic knots, boating and fishing knots, a sheepshank, a trucker's hitch, and even how to tie a Windsor knot on a tie (this site literally has the lot) – and all in a simple stop/start animation that makes it so easy to follow.

Maybe I might expand my knot-tying repertoire of a half hitch, a reef knot (or a granny knot when I go the wrong way) and a basic slip knot for a fishing hook? Who knows, it might come in handy when we go out on the boat next time. :)

Monday, February 13, 2012

[change is as good as a holiday]

Well, as good as a new haircut anyway... I got myself a fringe again! 

It's been quite a few years, but the real question is...will I be game enough to put them in piggy tails sometimes? 
Yeah, probably. :P

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

[fingerprint bookmarks]

Art with the school kids is back again ... today I'll be making some very cute bookmarks with the Grade 2s. 
It's been great to collaborate with the teacher and find ideas we can do with the kids.

How cute are these little fingerprint animals... 

And here are the tools I used...
was so nice to take out all the fancy cut scissors and the colourful stamp pad and start using these again too!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

[line drawings]

Here's a few line illustrations I've done for a client over the past few weeks. They will be part of a display on making bricks by hand at the Pine Rivers Heritage Museum. I wanted them to look like 'old style' book illustrations – let's hope I achieved that aim! 

The client's happy, so that's the main thing hey?