Friday, February 17, 2012

[animated knots]

I was browsing Pinterest (as I quite often do) and found a link to this great website with animations on how to tie all kinds of knots! 

There are decorative Celtic knots, boating and fishing knots, a sheepshank, a trucker's hitch, and even how to tie a Windsor knot on a tie (this site literally has the lot) – and all in a simple stop/start animation that makes it so easy to follow.

Maybe I might expand my knot-tying repertoire of a half hitch, a reef knot (or a granny knot when I go the wrong way) and a basic slip knot for a fishing hook? Who knows, it might come in handy when we go out on the boat next time. :)

1 comment:

  1. The images on this page infringe our copyright ( To avoid penalty per day and per image you must take them down or comply with our requirements.
    Thank you, Grog (Alan Grogono)


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