Thursday, March 22, 2012

[curry in not-so-much-of a hurry]

Sometimes my cooking experiments don't always work, well first go anyway.

Didn't feel much like making dinner on this cold and rainy night ... and was really wanting some chippies (as you do when it's rainy), so thought I might have a go at some no-fat sweet potato chips to go with some tinned butter chicken and pouch rice.

You beauty, dinner in 10 minutes, or so I thought...

Unfortunately my idea didn't go to plan, as sprinkling the sweet potato chips with paprika made them burn in those spots. :( 
So I tried again, only salt sprinkled on them this time and they turned out a bit better ... but they weren't as good as the potato chips I did last time, being a little burnt in some places and soft (not crunchy!) in others. They also took 7 or 8 minutes in the microwave with several checks in between. :(

Third time lucky, this time I used the potato peeler ... and success, crunchy little slivers of sweet potato to add to my so-called 'quick dinner'. :-/

We still ate the 'dud' sweet potato chips on the side, but the crunchy ones were so much better.

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