Thursday, November 15, 2012

[Christmas papier mache bowls]

I was again wondering why I proposed such long-winded projects for my Year 2 art gig on Wednesday arvos ... especially as this one took four weeks for all the kids to glue two layers of newspaper into the plastic bowl mould. Thankfully this week I could finally undercoat/seal them at home and then the kids got to decorate them yesterday. 

I will have to take photos of the designs the kids have done and show you, but for now, you'll have to be satisfied with my prototype design I did as an example...

BTW (this bowl won't be gracing my Christmas table - the teacher really wanted one, so it's hers now!)

Bowls, bowls, everywhere... took a couple of days to do two coats of undercoat/primer so no newsprint showed through!

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