Friday, October 21, 2011

[the arty shopping spree that almost didn't happen]

I had one of those total disappointments earlier this week when I found a $150 voucher for the art shop that  my friends from dancing gave me last year for my birthday — and it had expired in July this year. :(

With all the dramas of Mum's accident, hospital visits and work this year I just totally forgot it. Well rather than feeling too sorry for myself I decided I'd ring up the girls at Eckersley's at Milton (whom I've known for a very long time) and tell them of my plight. The worst they could say was 'no', right? Well, to my surprise, they said 'YES!', but only if I came in this week and spent the entire voucher in one hit! (I didn't need to be told twice, so off I toddled to the shop for some serious spending! 

I managed to not only spend that voucher, but a whole heap more. (I don't know why the Manager Susan thought I wouldn't spend the whole lot in one go ... totally impossible!)

Here's my booty:

I got this awesome lino cut tool (with interchangeable tips), so I can finally return the tools I borrowed off Nikki last year!! As well as a metal brush washer that I'd been searching for, and with 20% off the paints at the moment, I could get just that little bit more. :)

NOW, to just find some time to be arty...

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