Saturday, October 29, 2011

[chips off the ol' block]

Well it was just over a week ago when I attended the Youth Art Awards with my boys (aged 6 and 11), they both had entries in the Awards and were eagerly awaiting to hear if they had won a prize. Sadly, it was not their year, but there were a few moments of excitement when my eldest's name was called out for 2nd place for 3D art, but the image of his friend's artwork was up on screen. Oops, run sheet malfunction – the curator of the gallery didn't update it from last year's winners! 

Doesn't matter though, I think their art is a winner just the same.

'Flathead' by Ryan, aged 6

'Hogwart's Sorting Hat' by Jamie, aged 11

So much fantastic work on display! This horsey was my favourite.

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