Monday, March 5, 2012

[home made no fat potato chips]

I was really feeling like some chippies yesterday, so thought I'd check out the internet for a recipe for something I could make (that was hopefully relatively good for me!)

I found this recipe and gave it a go.

I made a few modifications to the method. I put a layer of paper towel on the glass tray in the microwave, then a layer of baking paper, then the cut potato (sprinkled with sea salt), followed by another layer of baking paper. I only cooked them for about four minutes on high and checked a couple of times.

They were quite yummy, and tasted like Kettle Chips. You can't make too many at once as you are limited to the size of you microwave tray (but that's probably a good thing) – and I had to share it three ways with the kids, so only ended up eating a third of a potato!


  1. They look so yummy! They'd be delicious with sweet potatos as well and maybe sprinkled with dukkah, paprika or sumac! I'm making myself hungry! Jx

    1. They were yummy! I was thinking I might try some carrot ones too - you could use the potato peeler for extra thin and crispy carrot chips. I wonder if you could make crispy onion rings too?? Something to try next time. :)


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