Thursday, April 19, 2012

[catering for the wedding]

Been a very busy girl and a very slack blogger – no telephone or internet for a whole week last week didn't help! Anyway, only a quick moment to take a breath, as this Saturday my Mum is getting married at her home, and I will be doing the catering for around 50 guests! 

Over Easter I pre-made many of the savouries and sweets and stocked up the freezer so only the fresh items like sandwiches and fruit platters need to be assembled on the day. I also recruited my Apprentice MasterChef to assist with this task – and he did a splendid job!

Here's the menu:


First platter of savouries:
Finger Sandwiches
Prawn or Tomato & Avocado Blinis 
(yes I know the photo has Caviar on it, but let's be realistic here, kids aren't going to eat that!)
Carrot sticks with French Onion or Hommus Dip

Second platter:
Lamb Meatballs (aka Baa Baa Balls)
Spring Rolls
Spinach & Feta Triangles
Served with Mint Sour Cream, Sweet Chilli Sauce or Tomato Sauce

Third platter:
Mini Quiches
Tomato, Cheese & Spinach Skewers
Carrot sticks with French Onion or Hommus Dip

Fourth platter:
Pigs in a Blanket (aka Scooby Snacks)
Spinach & Feta Triangles
Baa Baa Balls
Served with Mint Sour Cream, Sweet Chilli Sauce or Tomato Sauce

Sweets to be served with Tea & Coffee after cutting of the wedding cake:
Frozen Chocolate Swirl Cheesecake Cups
Almond Macadamia Nut Cheesecake Cups
Scones with Jam & Cream
Lemon Slice
Chocolate Slice
Rocky Road Slice
Fruit Platter

Oh well, no time to rest – off to buy some last minute ingredients today before I go claim the kitchen as my own at Mum's place tomorrow – and get things exactly how I want them for Saturday!

1 comment:

  1. Looks delicious!
    Save me a bocconcini skewer or two. They're my favourite little party bite! Jx


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