Monday, April 23, 2012

[home-grown tomatoes]

Have a look at these little beauties! After a rocky start (my first couple of tomatoes were partially attacked by a caterpillar, and the third one was ripped off by a possum who took a bite, scratched it and then threw it on the ground – I wouldn't mind if he ate it all, but it irks me when it's wasted), nevertheless, I have finally harvested two beautiful ripe shiny tomatoes. 

Having sampled what the caterpillar didn't eat of the first two tomatoes I am looking forward to eating these two in their entirety. They are full and rich in flavour so taste delicious and best of all are not acidic, which just adds to the enjoyment – YUM YUM.

I also have some Cherry Tomatoes coming along nicely too, just hope the visitors to my garden can resist, so the entire handful on this stem can ripen on the vine. I thought it might be nice to bake them in the oven while still attached to the vine. 

They've come along well since I first showed you the fruit developing here
Not bad for a few plants that just popped up in the garden from the compost I spread around hey?

(The photos taken with my new camera aren't half bad either!)

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