Friday, February 22, 2013

[greenhouse mods]

South-east Queensland's climate and my new greenhouse didn't see was just way too hot in there for my poor plants, so I had to quickly make some mods!

Firstly within a couple of days after building it I cut a back door in, and didn't zip up the front and kept it open. A few days later I could see the plants were still not happy despite being well watered. So mod 2 came into play ... I added some shade cloth inside (zip tied to the frame). A few days later I thought the plants would be happy again...but alas, no. Time for mod 3 - I installed a sunroof! (Basically I cut open the roof and folded it back.) The new ventilation lowered the overall temperature, and with a few rainy days about it also meant the universe watered both sides of the greenhouse where my plants were! Win win!

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