Wednesday, November 9, 2011

[the avocado experiment]

A few months ago my 6-year-old and I were having avocado on toast for brekky, and he casually asked, "Mummy, will a tree grow from this seed?" After checking out a couple of YouTube videos, our kitchen window sill experiment began.

Suspended by toothpicks in a old jam jar, our seed slowly (and I mean SLOOOWLY) grew roots into the water. A couple of months later a shoot started to grow sky-ward, with the tiniest of leaves on it. I was thinking this was going to be one of those 'we gave it a go, but didn't quite succeed' projects. 

In September we had a week's holiday, and it was a lovely surprise to come home and find these large green leaves atop our little avocado tree. I guess now it's time to plant this tiny tree into a pot, and see how many years before we get an avocado. About seven I reckon. :)

1 comment:

  1. That's amazing! You're such a good mum! I would have just laughed that comment off :S


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