Thursday, November 24, 2011

[set and forget orchids]

I don't have much of a green thumb, but I absolutely love orchids and was so pleased to see one of the three orchid plants I own in flower for the second time. 

This orchid used to be stuck on a tree in my front yard and always looked sad and bedraggled, and it never got flowers. When we cut the tree down a few years ago (it was invading the pipes with tree roots) I made sure the treelopper kept the section for me with the orchid attached. The plant was unceremoniously ripped off the tree and then put in a fork of the mango tree in our backyard. I obviously found the right place for it, as the falling mango leaves that it catches must feed it, and to my surprise, last year it flowered for the first time ever! Until then I had no idea what colour the blooms were! 

I don't know what particular species is it, and one day I might try and identify it, but for the moment I'm happy with the fact it's an orchid and when it flowers the large sprays of dainty yellow flowers look spectacular against the light green foliage of the leaves. :)

p.s. I must make some time to do a painting of these pretty little flowers before they're gone for another year.

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