Monday, October 8, 2012

[brekky bars & chocolate hedgehogs]

I have a new ‘toy’ in the kitchen. A Tupperware ‘T-Bar’ set, which is basically a mould for home-made muesli bars. I've been experimenting with the recipes in the book that comes with it ... and the result must have turned out OK, because the bars I made last Saturday have been eaten already!


3 vita-brit bars
1/4 cup rolled oats
1/4 cup rice bubbles
2 tbs LSA (Linseed, Sunflower & Almond Meal)*
40g butter
2 tbs golden syrup

Break up the vita-brits and mix with rolled oats, rice bubbles and LSA.
Melt the butter and syrup together and then combine with the dry ingredients.
Press into the mould and set for one hour in the fridge.

*You could always use some other crushed nuts instead.

I've been having a Brekky Bar broken up in a plate with vanilla yoghurt for breakfast - YUM!


100g granita biscuits
1/4 cup (45g) almonds*
180g milk or dark chocolate
40g butter
2 tbs golden syrup

Put the biscuits and almonds into a sandwich bag and then crush with a mallet (I use a meat tenderiser).
Melt the chocolate, butter and syrup together and then combine with the dry ingredients.
Press into the mould and set for one hour in the fridge.

I recommend cutting these bars into 3 pieces - they're a bit rich to have an entire bar in one sitting - plus it makes them last a few days longer before you have to make more! Great morning tea snack for the kid's lunchboxes, or with a cuppa at home. I think next time I make these I won't crush the biscuit up as finely as I have so far, then these hedgehogs should be even more ‘fudgier’.  :)

*I replaced the almonds for cashews the first time I made it, and also added a couple of tbs of diced tinned raspberries.

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