Saturday, October 13, 2012

[muffins in the mail]

I have a very dear friend from my art college days who I hardly see, but we still stay in touch for birthdays, Christmas etc. Yesterday I happened to be thinking about her and how she was going, and then as if by magic the postie delivered a parcel from her. Serendipity!

I received a lovely card, and on the back was a recipe for Chocolate Muffins - so I made them this morning.

Here's the recipe:

p.s. I did find an error in the recipe though, in that they don't mention when to add the melted chocolate. I ended up just throwing in the chocolate buttons to make it a a choc chip version, but in hindsight, perhaps I should've either added a little more milk so the mixture was less ‘lumpy’ and I would've gotten a smoother and more rounded top to each muffin. Nevertheless, I'm sure they'll taste scrummy!

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