Wednesday, December 21, 2011

[cheating with Donna Hay]

I like to bake, but often don't as it's just way too tempting to eat everything! Cupcakes are needed for a birthday party at the skate park with the boys tomorrow, and when I saw this beautiful packaging (as only Donna knows how to do) I thought, why not? 

Easy peesy choccy cupcakes - just add a couple of eggs and milk to this and that's the lot!

Donna is such a legend at branding too...

Even the cupcake cases are pretty.
Who wants to lick the beaters?
Dollops of chocolatey goodness...
I'll lick the spatula and bowl!
Baked perfection!

Now the birthday boy is quite partial to Cadbury's 'Bubbly' at the moment, so the request for cake decoration was decided upon early in the peace. He conceded that not everyone likes mint chocolate, so he's more than happy to remove the offending article and dispose of it for them. What a caring boy!

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