Wednesday, December 21, 2011

[unexpected bargain hunting]

I decided this morning that I'd see if I could get some Contact (that had a wood pattern) to give a facelift to the dodgy old white bedside table I'd rescued from under the house for my boy's new room. As chance would have it, we happened to be going past my favourite op shop at Lawnton, so I thought why not just drop in and see if they had a pine bedside table to match his chest of drawers...

Bingo! We found the perfect complementary piece. It was sporting some lovely carving by it's former owners Justin and Jack, but a side trip to the hardware on the way home for some wood filler will smooth out the rough edges. Before I got to the op shop I had in my mind I didn't want to spend more than $20, and was stoked when the volunteer at Endeavour told me the unpriced piece was $19.95. Bargain!

My eldest has been getting into hockey at home lately and using my old stick (from the 80s) round the back yard. He was very excited when he sprung this pair of sticks at the op shop, and for $9.95 and $3.95, I could hardly say no now could I? I'd rather the boys running around the yard than sitting on the computer, so it's WIN WIN!

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