Saturday, December 17, 2011

[decluttering and my new friend eBay]

I've been a very slack blogger this past couple of weeks, but it's been no vacation that's for sure. The last week of school was just crazy with a function or break-up party almost every day, and the first week of the school holidays has seen me on 'operation declutter' ... and it's a huge task. 

The kids have been banned from their playroom for the past few months as they refused to clean it up. 

I'm amazed I can actually see the floor in this photo, as it wasn't visible at all before I started.

With my eldest turning 12 next week, and the obvious need of separating 6 and 12 year olds into separate bedrooms (the time of bunking in together should've ended six months ago), I have set this date as my deadline to get this room cleared out. Without a deadline it will never happen!

Unfortunately to make room to store excess items until I can dispose of them (sell, give away or dump), it's meant I've had to clean out other areas of the house, and has inspired me to organise and declutter quite a few places like the cupboard under the vanity in the bathroom and the pantry! Organisational bliss has ensued. Yay!!

eBay is my new friend, I have listed 10 items and already sold one. The dump and the Vinnies clothing bin have been visited a few times too, and my nighttime trek to the wheelie bin (while the kids are asleep and can't intercept me) with old or broken toys not worth donating or selling has been done with an evil laugh. Mwahahaha.

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