Monday, May 14, 2012

[day 1 - setting sail]

Well the weather was just gorgeous as we boarded the Pacific Dawn ... A beautiful blue sky with the sun sparkling on the water. I was a bit over all the queuing but the time we set sail, but did it one more time to get my Mojito. We slowly passed by Moreton Island and Tangalooma and then took in a sunset overlooking the glasshouse mountains. I had a chat to my boys at home via FaceTime while I still had local cellular coverage, and took them on a video tour of my room. My eldest son said I hadn't blogged yet ... Geez boy, give me a chance!

The amount of stuff to do and see onboard is a bit overwhelming, but my highlight so far was the first night's show 'Do Ya Wanna Dance' - which was a showcase of all the different dancing styles - jazz, ballroom, rock n roll, irish, flamenco, and more .... and I took special note of the fabulous jazz hands, duck dives and and killer high kicks - if only I were that flexible. For my dancing diva friends, it was very 'chorus', and the four guys, and four girls did about ten full costume changes, stockings, wigs, you name it!

As I settle in for the night I can feel the gentle rock of the swell up and down, and there are light winds forecast, so my fear of being sea sick has passed (for the moment), hopefully we'll continue to have this gorgeous weather and the boxes of Kwells and Travelcalm will remain unopened for the rest of the trip (fingers crossed).

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