Tuesday, May 15, 2012

[day 4 - swimming with the fishes]

Woke up this morning to see the coast of Lifou (pronounced Lee-foo) come into view. This island is in the Loyalty Islands Province of New Calendonia, however it is very different from Noumea as it is more traditional and not urbanised.

After breakfast we caught the tender to shore (the ship's tender (dinghy) is 38 foot long, which is twice the length of my own boat), but it felt very familiar being closer to the water in a smaller craft. Lots of walking done today, including to a church on the headland overlooking the bay where the ship was at anchor ... with many steps up to the top ... but the view was worth it once we got there.

The local people still live in traditional huts, there are a few roads, but those with cars like to drive fast, not slowing down on the single lane bitumen road while us tourists were walking around. As they drive on the right hand side of the road, you also get a bit thrown which way to look out for them.

The highlight of the day had to be snorkelling over the coral. I've never done this before, and it was great just floating around looking at the little fish dart in and out around the coral. The coral wasn't brightly coloured, more dirty oranges and browns, but the shapes were varied and interesting. To get to the beach and water we had to clamber down a home-made ladder, which was a bit of a fun to navigate with a camera, fins and mask in your hands. The wind picked up a bit as the day went on, so there was a small swell coming in as we swam. I was very conscious not to to get washed onto a coral bombie and get a nasty coral cut. Some other cruisers said they saw some Nemo's (clown fish) and a large clam, but sadly I must of missed that area as I floated around. I was pretty happy with what I saw though, and it was so easy to just be looking down and not realise how far out you were actually swimming.

In the afternoon I did another quilling class with my two new friends who've been to the other two classes so far. All being on the one ship means that if you make an effort to say hello to other passengers they are more than willing to have a chat. I've been having a ball meeting other people, our waiter for dinner tonight, Dexter, was such good value, so much so, we specifically booked the same table so he can be our waiter for the next night.

The evening's theme was pirate, so a facial scar and Captain Jack Sparrow black eyeliner eyes were to the order of the evening's attire. The pirate show in the Showlounge was fabulous fun, great dancing, comedy and audience participation.

I was hoping to have an early night, but my Mum misplaced her camera somewhere between getting ready for dinner, and the show ... we turned her cabin upside down and retraced our steps to find it. No joy. Hopefully someone has handed it in and it'll turn up tomorrow.

Another post-midnight bedtime after uploading the blog, so this pirate wench better get me-self off to me bunk for some shut-eye. Arrrrrrggghh...

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