Friday, May 18, 2012

[day 7 - last day at sea]

When I woke up this morning I just sat looking out my window for a while, and for a moment I thought I saw a bird flying just above the waves, until it dived under the water again and I realised it was a flying fish! That was a bit cool to see. Mum had some great swans made out of towels in her room, which look like they follow a similar technique to the elephant, so it might be cool to try this at home.

After a leisurely brekky, it was time to pack the suitcase in readiness for tonight when they all needed to be collected. Apart from this, there were only two other activities I wanted to do for the day - a Zumba class with the lovely Rocky, and quilling with one of the dancers. It was a little bit rockier in the front of the ship in the Dome Nightclub when we did Zumba, so it made it very interesting with the up and down motion as the floor kept moving and you couldn't quite tell when you'd land back down. Was lots of fun though, and I think I must have better fitness since I did the last class on Mother's Day (probably from walking all the stairs multiple times everyday), as I certainly didn't get as puffed out this time. Yay!

Had a lovely last lunch in the buffet of prawns, crumbed wahoo, crab quiche, salad and rice - it was delicious. I then did a wander round the ship, sat down on the back deck at the Oasis (on the posh lounges with the cushions) and read some more 'Hunger Games' on my iPad. The sun was out most of the time, but occasionally it hid behind clouds, so the breeze felt a little fresher at these times.

Another wander round the deck and some chatting to some people I knew, and before I knew it, it was time for quilling. With all the little flowers I'd made over the past couple of days, I just made a few more, and then assembled two cards during the class. Mason, who is one of the most flexible dancers I've seen, was our instructor. Basically, today's class was pretty much finishing off whatever we wanted. Mum also joined the class for the first time today and got her little quilling kit, so she'll be set for crafty projects now. I exchanged details with my two newfound friends, and perhaps we will be able to organise a crafternoon sometime soon.

Our waiter Dexter showed us another little trick with toothpicks at dinner, and this was our last supper in the Waterfront restaurant. I caught the final jam session of all the musicians and the entertainment staff singing in the Atrium - and was blown away by Rocky's singing of a Heart song, not only can she Zumba, this girl has got a fabulous voice.

Well, it's our last night sleeping onboard the Pacific Dawn tonight, as tomorrow we disembark at 7.40am. I've had a wonderful time aboard, and even though I think I would love to have the bed made for me everyday, meals served to me, and basically be waited on hand and foot, I think I'm looking forward to going home just a little bit.

I wonder if my boys have missed me while I've been gone?

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